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It’s Christmas Time In The City

My Holiday village captures the merriment and wonder of the Christmas season. The church is the centerpiece of my Christmas town. I can envision me, my family, and friends worshiping together during the Christmas Season. The hotel is named the “The Glitz” after the Ritz in Paris. Notice how the windows are adorned with big red bows and garland. Notice the white poodle sitting perfectly in the snow and the festive pink car with Christmas packages on top. I can only imagine when the door is opened and to see how lovely the entry Christmas tree is. My favorite darling building is named the Atelier. It’s a French word that means a studio for a designer. I’ve always dreamed of having my own Dawn Davis Decor shop. But for now I will imagine this is my pink and blue shop filled with beauty and wonder, where customers can find treasures for their homes. The icy powder cottage is perfect in my Christmas City. The cottage is my favorite color that radiates charm with Santa out front welcoming everyone.

My Holiday town brings Cheer and has me dreaming of a White Christmas.

Dawning of  The New Day

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