Good Morning, The months that end with an ER are my favorite time of the year. As Thanksgiving approaches I’m reminded of all my Blessings I am grateful for.
The old hymn Count Your Blessings Name Them One by One fills my heart with Gratitude. I try to journal what I’m grateful for often. Especially this time of the year I remind myself of God’s Sovereignty. I can see God’s gentle hand guiding me in every part of my life.
I encourage everyone to get a notebook that is inspiring to you. The journal pictured has mountains with a sunrise because that is where I see God’s majestic Creation. Be sure to date each entry because if you look back, you will see God’s Providence and Love. Try to be specific when you journal. Name People and examples that happened, such as a friend surprising you and treating you to lunch just because she wanted to. Or an encouraging phone call, text, and definitely an answered prayer. At the end of your journal entry I’m challenging myself to write a Bible Verse to reflect on during the day.
My Precious Mama told me “Dawn there is Beauty Everywhere. You just have to See it.”I promise once you start writing what you are Grateful for you will immediately be filled with Grace, Joy, Peace, and Thanksgiving.